Invited Talks
“Unlocking the Value of Single Modality through Multi-Modal Knowledge Transfer for Healthcare”
- [4/01/2025] Shanghai Medical College, University of Fudan, Shanghai, China
- [18/12/2024] University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
- [17/12/2024] The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
- [07/11/2024] Queen Mary University of London, UK
- [18/09/2024] University College London, UK
- [15/07/2024] Technical University of Munich (TUM) and Helmholtz Munich, Germany
- [19/06/2024] University of Birmingham, UK
- [03/06/2024] Harvard Medical School, US recording
- [24/04/2024] BMVA One Day Meeting: Trustworthy Multimodal Learning with Foundation Models: Bridging the Gap between AI Research and Real World Applications syposium, British Computer Society, London, UK recording
“Towards Trustworthy AI in Healthcare: Enhancing Model Robustness, Reliability, and Adaptability”
- [20/09/2024] British Society of Cardiovascular Imaging and British Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (BSCI/BSCCT) 2024 Annual Meeting
- [25/04/2024] University of Nottingham, UK
- [09/04/2024] Research Computing@Sheffield, University of Sheffield, UK
- [29/01/2024] Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China
- [05/01/2024] Zhejiang-UIUC Institute, Zhejiang, China
- [03/01/2024] Guest lecture at University of Science and Technology of China, Suzhou, China
- [11/2023] Alan Turing Institute, London, UK
“Advancing Deep Medical Image Segmentation with Adversarial Data Augmentation”
- [23/06/2023] HIT-Webinar. [recording] (Chinese).
- [17/05/2023] NCT Data Science Seminar 2023 at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany. [link] [recording] (English)
- [21/03/2023] Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK
- [03/02/2023] CCVL (Computational Cognition, Vision, and Learning) research group at Johns Hopkins University, US
- [15/03/2022] CMIC,WEISS @ UCL, UK
- [02/12/2022] SenseTime, China
- [05/2022] Heartflow, UK
- [03/08/2022] TUM AI in Medicine lab, Germany