Chen (Cherise) Chen
Be water. 居善地,心善渊,与善仁,言善信,政善治,事善能,动善时。
Dr Chen (Cherise) Chen is a Lecturer in Computer Vision, at the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, and a core member of Insigeno Institute, Center for Machine Intelligence, and Shef.AI community. She is one of six academics leading the Computer Vision research group at Sheffield. She also currently holds honorary research fellow positions at Imperial College London. Previously, she was a post-doc at Oxford BioMedIA group, University of Oxford in 2023, and the Computing Department at Imperial College London (ICL) in 2022. She was also a research scientist at HeartFlow. In 2022, she obtained her Ph.D. from the Department of Computing at Imperial College London, working closely with Prof. Daniel Rueckert and Dr. Wenjia Bai. Her doctoral thesis, entitled “Improving the domain generalization and robustness of neural networks for medical imaging,” was featured in ComputerVisionNews magazine in 2022.
- Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (e.g., Cardiac care)
- Multi-modal Learning (vision, signals, and language)
- Trustworthy Machine Learning (Uncertainty, Robustness and Explainability)
- Adversarial Machine learning
- Data-efficient Learning
- Generative Modelling and Data Synthesis
Academic journey
- Lecturer in Computer Vision, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
- Post-doc at Oxford Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, UK
- RA and Post-doc at BioMedIA group, Imperial College London, UK
- PhD at BioMedIA group, Imperial College London, UK
- MSc in Advanced Computing, Imperial College London, UK
- BEng in Internet of Things Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Invited to give a talk at NCT Data Science Seminar 2023 at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Awards and honours
- 2024-: ELLIS Scholar
- 2024: IEEE TMI Silver Level Distinguished Reviewer (2023 – 2024)
- 2023: IEEE TMI Gold-level Distinguished Reviewer (2022-2023)
- 2023: MICCAI 2023 Outstanding Reviewer (top 12)
- 2022: IEEE TMI Gold-level Distinguished Reviewer (2020-2022)
- 2022: Winner of the Fetal Tissue Annotation and Segmentation Challenge (FeTA) 2022
- 2019: Winner of the Multi-sequence Cardiac MR Segmentation Challenge 2019
- 2012&2013: China National Scholarships (twice) (top 0.2%): The highest level of national scholarships in China.
- Email:
- For invitations to grant/paper/journal review, calls for paper submissions, and/or event/workshop/code enquiries, please contact me via: work (dot) cherise (at)
- For PhD/Visting student enquries: please contact me via enquiry (dot) ai4health (at)
- For other urgent stuff, e.g., meetings, please send an email to my primary email box chen (dot) chen2 (at)
- Address: Regent court 222, School of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK. S1 4DP